[quote=captcha][quote=CA renter]
You can have corruption under a dictatorship (as small as government can be, no?), too.[/quote]
Not very good example. Dictatorships generally require a lot of control, which usually requires large government.[/quote]
Point taken, some dictatorships have large armies that support them, and some have smaller armies that can be even more brutal. How about this: Excess power, concentrated into too few hands, is the problem. Again, it seems like a problem with corruption, not the size of government.
Many “Third World” nations have very powerless, “official” governments, but I fail to see how that has benefitted them. On the other hand, many prosperous, healthy, nations have very large official governments that are much more accountable to the citizens — and they’ve benefitted greatly from that.
It’s too simplistic to say a “large” or “small” government is the problem or solution. What’s needed is an accountable, transparent government that is open and accessible to ALL citizens, equally.