Throughout my long “career” as a bureaucrat, I have found that those families who typically use the MOST free or low-cost public services are, in general, the biggest complainers about public agencies their workers…[/quote]
Well, that’s probably because those families deal with public agencies the most, no?[/quote]
Yes, captcha, that’s part of it. But it’s also because the beneficiaries of these services receive them free or for a very low cost, often for many years and sometimes for a lifetime, so they and/or their caregivers likely feel “entitled” to them and so appreciate them less. It’s kind of like belonging to a HMO where your employer pays the premium. When you don’t actually pay for a service or even see the bill and pay a tiny co-pay at each medical visit, you really have no idea how much it all costs. These services are in place specifically to serve eligible populations.If one qualifies for the services, they deserve to have them. This is the sole reason why these programs are in place.
Imagine what your life would be like if you lived in a third-world country and desperately needed even SOME of the health and human services that eligible Americans enjoy!