[quote=capeman]Another much much less likely scenario would be rates don’t peak at a reasonable/profitable level (much higher) and the currency collapses. Then money wouldn’t matter anyways in a Mad Max scenario like that. [/quote]
Why do you take it as a given that hyperinflation causes society to collapse? I was in Brazil when they had hyperinflation running 4 digits per year. Interestingly, you could still write checks for payments – and each check written had an interest rate assigned to compensate the seller for the week or so delay it took to clear funds. Within about 6 months, the Brazilian banking industry in cooperation with the government had revamped the process so that most checks cleared funds the same day they were written.
There was no chaos in the street – the busses ran, the markets sold food. It was very tough on the poor but society did not collapse. Now, after twice swapping out the entire currency they seem to have got it under control.