Okay everyone…..I am going to give this to you very straight….It is this simple…..Any man or woman who can not get dates is because they are not willing to date people who are their equal or below….The only thing the opposite sex is interested in is physical appearance and personality….Most people over exaggerate their appearance and personality…..They can not get dates because they are not willing to face reality….They are not as good looking as they think…..Your “value” is what you can date and it is nothing more than that…..If you want to date someone who is more attractive than you, you must give something up…..You are going to have to pay a price….An example would be that you are going to have to put up with the woman being a b-tch, smoking cigarettes, drugs, five bratty kids, buying her a big house etc…I hear woman say, “where are all the good men.”…..There are plenty of great guys out there that would kiss their asses, but these woman would not even consider dating these guys because they are not attractive enough for them…The same goes for men….There are plenty of woman out there that would make great partners but you want a beautiful woman…….So, you can face reality and enjoy the opposite sex, or you can be in denial and be angry at the opposite sex….[/quote]
Well put!