Californians are also fleeing to….Mexico., a site I would recommend to all Piggs, has great articles specific to CA’s economy and politics.
It has a current piece about how Mexico’s economy is so thoroughly outperforming America’s by many measures. Unemployment of 5% vs. CA’s 10%, for starters (though probably tainted by measurement differences). A GNP growth rate in recent years about double America’s. A growing middle class vs. our hollowing out of the middle class. And while absolute measures of standard of living still hugely favor the US, it is the trends that count in the long run.
We’ve all learned that the net migration between our two countries of Mexican nationals is now essentially zero. Could it soon be a net flow to Mexico?
The article pointed out that many Americans of anglo descent live illegally in Mexico. They estimate the number at one million now. I guess the Mexican Border Patrol will have to ramp up and keep the illegal gringos and their coyotes from sneaking accross at San Ysidro, LOL.