Cahunter I checked the MLS and the home sold for 302k. The financing was conventional as well so nothing special there. The selling agent was listing as an out of the area office so the agent did not two side the deal, nor was the deal done by another agent in that same office.
One thing that may have happened was a quick acceptance? I know this is kind of uncommon. I did have a client and he put in an offer immediately on an reo property and the agent sent it right in. That same agent continued to receive offers and had sent them in as well but because ours was sent in first the bank actually accepted ours that next day. In the meantime she got several more offers higher then ours. So we got extraordinarly lucky.
I am not sure that this happened in your case but it could be a possible explanation. All I can say on this one is if there was some sort of bs going on here, (and I wouldn’t rule it out quite yet) the agent went even further and disclosed incorrect information on the MLS.
One thing I would do if I were you, just to satisfy your curiosity is to call the broker and ask what happened.