Slight problem with statistics on this one. Notice the careful wording they are using:
Recent studies have proved that as many as 53.4% of the single mothers with children are below the poverty line.
They are not removing unwed mothers with children born out of wedlock, teen mothers etc. Note that they said single mothers and not divorced mothers. Notice that it has a problem aligning with the next statement:
In addition, studies also prove that while men tend to experience only a 10% drop in incomes post-divorce, women are likely to experience as much as 30% drop in income after divorce.
Note several things here:
1) The number for the men at 10% drop is an average.
2) The number provided for women is ‘as much as 30%’ or a maximum amount.
To get 53.4% under poverty line, they would have to be awfully close to the poverty line to begin with to have the 30% drop them below.
The main reason for this is that when women tend to start their careers after taking a long break from their careers, they do not get hired for highly skilled jobs.
Depends. If they had a skilled job to begin with, they can restart their careers near where they left off.
Let’s face it, NOBODY “wins” in a divorce. **Everybody** is much poorer after divorce because, after divorce, they have to pay for TWO households instead of one, and both get HALF of the marital assets, leaving each with half of what they once had.
This is one of the biggest problems with divorce, but you also then step back and ask yourself that with these costs, are they ahead or behind, when compared to individuals who have been single the entire time, because of the period of time they were married.
I’m focusing especially on divorced mothers, because there is a tremendous difference between divorced with kids (BIG deal), and divorced without kids.
Age of the kids also has a significant contribution to this difference too.
Divorce sucks — for mothers, fathers, and especially the kids.
Sometimes.. and this is from a former ‘kid’ who grew up in a divorced family. Sometimes the peace and quiet and reduction in stress is worth the reduction in material goods.