No, I am not saying that they should be paid less, like $18k/year. But I don’t see the reason for them to be marching on an almost yearly basis complaining about being underpaid.
Let’s say that they are making $60k/year for 9 months of work. Then you take their future pension of $50k/year and assume they live to 70. 20 years of $50k/year is a $1 million retirement package. The average 50 year old has only $100k in retirement.
So take that $1M and divide it by the 25 years of work that they actually did, that’s an additional $40k/year over the years that they did work. This is a fair comparison, because they aren’t saving money into their pensions…the rest of us are saving into theirs and our own.
These are very rough numbers, but I’m just trying to show that teachers are making six figures for 9 months of work for 25 years worth of service.
Why exactly are they complaining again?
BTW…I never understood the idea that teaching is an elevated profession. It is the one profession that is elevated, but they don’t risk their lives. To me, it is just like any other profession, except for losers and failures can hide behind the protection of tenure and the unions.