CA Renter: Your experience certainly differs from mine about the preference of teachers for private vs. public schools. But your anecdotes outnumber mine, so I’ll give you that. Other Piggs who are/were teachers are encouraged to weigh in.
Unions like to claim that private schools only look good because they “cherry pick” from the pool of students. Of course that would skew the results.
However, fair-minded research can correct for that by eliminating outliers. Some private schools, especially inner-city Catholic, take all comers and are much-preferred by poor, single-parent black families, who may be able to afford only a small portion of the tuition but give volunteer time to the school plus get private donor assistance. All this happens for about one-half to two-thirds the cost per student per year compared to the taxpayer-supported school. That kind of productivity is what so embarasses the public school system and encourages the private/voucher/choice movement. BTW, the increasing number of parents who send their kids to private schools should be applauded by parents who don’t, because they subtract government expenses while still paying taxes for public schools.