[quote=CA renter]With every one of these new programs, they are sending a clear message:
Those who are prudent will be forced to pay for the least responsible people in our country. If you make a huge financial mistake (like gambling on housing prices), you will be bailed out as long as everyone else makes the same stupid mistake.
Every time they discuss principal reductions (at taxpayers’ expense), I can’t help but think we should all go out and buy $1MM homes, then demand that they reduce our balances to whatever we decide we should pay.
They are treading on thin ice here, and I wonder if they are thinking about the probable consequences of these actions.[/quote]
There is no thin ice. Who is going to run out in the streets exposing people who are working the sytem, blowing the whistle on their neighbors,clients and the rest? What is going to happen if they do? Nothing good, and maybe they get themselves hurt one way or another. Nothing is going to happen. People who wouldn’t cheat before won’t cheat anymore now. Some are going to collect some trophies by what you or I consider cheating and life will go on.