[quote=CA renter]
Where we probably disagree is that you believe most (?) of the wealthiest people **earned** their money, whereas I believe many simply have access to more power, and have the ability to direct where money goes (to them). Please note that I am **NOT** talking about doctors and engineers, etc.
Although life is not fair and not everyone start out poor, that doesn’t meant they don’t deserve their money. My parents came to this country with nothing more than clothes on their back. They worked hard, save a lot, to give me the opportunities that they did have. I then in turn work hard to build on my family’s wealth to give my children the opportunities I never had. Although my children didn’t directly earned the money they got to start out with, their parents and grand parents earned that money. So I think they’re entitled to that money. Of course, some are lucky and made a break through in term of accumulating wealth, however, it does take some brain to not lose it all. Just look at Michael Jackson as a prime example. The dude is now broke. At one point, he had more money that most can dream of.