[quote=CA renter]
We desperately need to direct more public funding to education instead of constantly starting extremely costly wars around the world.[/quote]
No we need to figure out ways to make college cheaper not throw more money at the universities so they can hire more overpaid administrators and build more useless entertainment type complexes. Undergraduate math, undergraduate chemistry, and undergraduate just about anything hasn’t changed much in the past 50 years. Why does it cost so much more to teach the same material in the same classrooms with the same teachers. As online technology improves it should be costing less to learn and take something like Calculus 101, but instead it costs 200,300,500% more than it did just 10-20 years ago.
The question become why? While there might be some nuances and details,it really boils down to an unlimited supply of money that you can borrow and pay back in some distant future.