[quote=CA renter][quote=temeculaguy]If I was a celeb, I’d do the same thing, my hat is off to Seth. For a while many of us have talked about how being personally financially conservative is the new black. In the coming years it will outcool the green movement, seth is wise to pioneer it in the media. As far as anectdotal stories from the frontline (since many of my piggy brothers and sisters are married or shut ins, I will provide them) I can honestly say that underindulgence is all the rage in the singles scene, especially the middle aged scene. Two years ago, I was constantly apologizing for my mediocre ride and rental housing, I pondered a more age appropriate sled, at least a 5 series, probably a 7 series since I had broken 40, luckily cooler heads prevailed. Much to my suprise, the paid off sled and the lack of revolving debt or an upside down mortgage has become cool once again and I don’t see this trend reversing anytime soon. Living within your means is now sexy.
The dude rolling on 22″ rims with the notice of default in the mailbox, is now the one sitting at home wondering where those implants he paid for went. And the meek shall inherit the earth.[/quote]
I know you already know this, TG, but any man who uses these tools (flashy cars, clothing, houses, etc.) to chase women will get what he asks for.
A good woman will judge a man by his character. A good man will judge a woman in the same way.
That doesn’t mean one should be stingy once he/she finds the right partner. It just means you shouldn’t use that as bait. When you use shark bait, you usually reel-in a shark.
Glad to hear your story, TG. Hope you find a keeper. 🙂