[quote=CA renter]Presumably, you would have had some kind of data or proof that public sector salaries and benefits have had “exponential growth.” Just the same as your quote in this thread that “90% of public budgets are going to public employees,” you’re just making this stuff up.
I gave environment service data that supports exponential growth. 50% growth over 10 years is about 4% per year which while on the surface might be considered ok it’s more than tax revenues have grown over the same period. That’s my main point. Salaries and benefits for public sector employees cannot grow faster than tax revenues.
90% of salaries and benefits is probably more true of the school districts rather than all city/state departments. Any department where the bulk of expenses is based on services from labor will have that kind of ratio. WasteWater and Water won’t while something like public safety is probably close.
[quote=CA renter]
At least I have solid knowledge about the compensation packages for public employees at both state and local levels. They have been making concessions in pay and benefits for YEARS — and that’s nominal decreases.
You make this claim and yet provide no proof of this claim. You ask me to provide proof of my claims and I oblige. How do I know you’re not being disingenuous when you make this claim. I understand you might feel attacked or threatened but sometimes the facts are the facts.