[quote=CA renter][quote=njtosd]I don’t think my husband is getting much value from me. I’m not very domestic – although I like to bake. I work part time, but based on scaredy’s calculus, that probably sets me back because clients get me peeved (so I fall below the “happy 80% of the time” threshold). We just bought and installed shower doors together – but he put in more effort than I did (I don’t have much “hack saw” experience). I keep track of paperwork, insurance, etc.
Would we be calculating this stuff if we were single? And considering it imputed income to ourselves? I don’t think so.[/quote]
If you were single, you wouldn’t be doing it for others. For SAHPs, you’re working for other people, not yourself. There is a LOT more work involved when you’re doing everything for a family vs. just taking care of yourself.[/quote]
First off – I was being a little facetious. We have three kids, and the work is never done. Second – imputed income is usually used in tax considerations. In the real estate sense, there is an argument that if you own a home, you would charge someone else to live there, so you should be imputed to have received rent (taxable income) from yourself. So as a single person, you can choose to do your own laundry (a gain you receive for free – which is not taxed, yet) or pay for it to be done (gvt receives tax revenue on transaction). Should everyone pay taxes on all this imputed income? I would argue no, but it would definitely clarify the value of the services rendered.