[quote=CA renter]
I’ve often wondered if this was because, in general, homeschooling families tend to be less fad-driven and more averse to “commercialization” and media advertising. They’re much less concerned about what everyone else is doing, from what I’ve seen, so were less likely to be pulled in by the mania.
Yes, I don’t like to stereotype but of the ones I know I would agree with this. The families that I know who did not fit this statement are the ones who homeschooled 1-2 years and went back to private/public. I can usually pick out the ones who aren’t going to stay with the program (for one reason or the other). In general, people who homeschool are nonconformists to some degree so whatever the sheeple are doing they’re not. And I would also say in general, of the families I know, they live way below their means.
On the flip side, some of these homeschooler traits make them difficult people to get together with or organize/plan things with. It can be like herding cats. I find I’m much more Type A than most and I have a hard time with some of the laid-back attitudes.