[quote=CA renter]
If you think that YOU are responsible for all of your success, try to duplicate it from scratch in a country with no taxes; let’s see how you do.[/quote]
Oh I get it… ‘I didn’t build that…’
What’s next, ‘From each according to his abilities…’?
And I am not advocating no taxes or a Somalia-like state. Using that as an example is hyperbolic, childish, and ignorant.
And I would do just fine in a county or era of lower/less confiscatory tax policy.
BTW, the ‘government’ doesn’t provide infrastructure; the ‘government’ didn’t build that. I did with my tax dollars, along with every other net producer and those that came before me; and no thanks to the net consumers.
[quote=CA renter]Additionally, people who make the most tend to receive a greater benefit, per capita, from the government.[/quote]
Bullshit. What’s your basis for that? It’s easy to just make garbage like that up.
[quote=CA renter] BTW, YOUR wages aren’t going to ME. I simply know that there is a cost — both to you and me — for living in a civilized, democratic society, and I’m more than willing to pay for it.[/quote]
If I’m paying a higher percentage of taxes, then my wages ARE going to YOU on a relative basis.
And you still didn’t answer my question? How much/what percentage of my wages do you consider your fair share?