[quote=CA renter]I always enjoy your posts, ucodegen. You seem to have a lot of knowledge and experience in a variety of technical fields. It’s always fun to learn from your posts.[/quote]
Thanks. I try to add constructively. I have done, learned and read much. Now it is time to start passing it on.
I have a theory, that seems to have been backed up by history. Man’s evolution increased dramatically when written language was developed. Unfortunately, the priesthood kept most of that to itself. When printing presses with movable type came along (thanks Gutenburg), it allowed the printed word to reach the masses, and Man’s collective knowledge increased even more dramatically. This allows the older generation to pass its knowledge down collectively to the younger generation, which allowed the younger to benefit without having to go through inventing/discovering or developing it (which takes considerable time). I just hope the next generations have the wisdom to apply the knowledge.
NOTE: Not saying that you are of the ‘younger generation’.. I guess getting older, one starts thinking of such things particularly when certain ‘young ones’ in the family decide to take a less than healthy and productive path in life.