[quote=CA renter]
I also mentioned that $1MM probably wouldn’t get us the house/lot we would want in La Jolla. We’d much rather take that money and buy something nicer further inland as well.[/quote]
I’ve tried to do search for the reverse, look for a comparable home near the coast. First it is a lot harder to find and in general at least $1 million more than my current appraised value. Not worth it at all IMHO.
[quote=CA renter]
The marine layer along the coast would be a bummer to deal with as well; and we *like* cool weather. Some years, you can get 7-8 months a year with almost no sun. That gets old pretty quickly.[/quote]
a bit of a threadjack (appologize in advance)…
it isn’t just the 7-8 months of marine layer, but the duration of it. we were at Seaworld the other day and it was at noontime and the sun was still nowhere to be found…