[quote=CA renter]How about when you lived in Washington? Is that any better than Philly?
Washington was pretty cool – literally. It definitely rains a lot – but like a drizzle… You learn to do outdoor stuff in the rain. Camping… raining… just plan for mud. Mountain biking – again… just plan for that muddy stripe up your back and wet pine-needles sticking out of your helmet. But it’s gorgeous and not the sticky humidity. Summers there are ideal. Winters are cold, have snow, but I liked that. I was up by the border (Bellingham) so the days were pretty short in the winter and really long in the summer (light from 4am to 9:30pm)… that took some getting used to.
[quote=sdrealtor]FWIW you would hate it there. Philly is one of the most intolerent major cities in the US. Racism is open and widespread at all levels of education, income and intellect. [/quote]
This is true. Unfortunately. People can be highly cliqueish. Racism is overt. It’s hard to make friends if you’re an outsider.
You have people in some of the suburbs who are proud how long it’s been since they went into Philly. They feel superior. Even though Philly has world class cultural stuff like the art museum, Franklin Institute, etc. Their attitude is based in part on ignorance and in part on racism.