I like page 6. Page 6 is for a 227 work day year, close but not quite equivalent to a typical private sector work year.
Salaries range from $49,594 for a first year, BA level person, to $102K qfor 17 years, MA and 90 credit units of ‘training’.
That 183 work day calendar an pay rate does not include paid holidays nor any accumulated vacation, sick time that they are paid. See the following school schedule calendar
Private sector workers start with a 260 work day year. Anywhere from 6-10 holidays, So 254 to 250 ‘work’ days.
Apples to apples 183 days not including holidays maps to ~250 work days in the private sector. We need to compare total comp per day ‘worked’.
Per attached schedule, they have 13 paid holidays which results in 7% more money for those 183 days. So that $39,982/yr pay schedule first year, BA only teacher, not including sick time, vacation, is getting $233 per day worked (in annual pay) or, equivalent to the private sector person making $233/day for their 250 work days or $58,443/yr. Not a bad entry salary.
Likewise that 17 year, BA only teacher, equates out to $92K/yr for 250 days of work. The heavily credentialed 17 year vet is making the equivalent of $120k/year of the private sector.
That’s assuming the private sector persons sick time, vacation time and benefits are on par. LOL.