One generation hating another for who SOME of them are or aren’t isn’t going to make one bit of difference in the outcome of anyone’s life, whether it’s true or not.
That’s why I think one of the most important things any of us can do, is to try to take care of ourselves and our own to the highest level possible for as long as we possibly can.
That’s my 2 cents.[/quote]
Interesting article, and really liked some of the comments on it.[/quote]
I skimmed the first few pages of comments, as well, CAR. There were several “boomers” on there reminding readers that living and working conditions weren’t so great when we were young and starting out on our own.
The crux of the problem, as I see it, is that the vast majority of the millenials (Gen Y) have expectations for every facet of their lives that are thru the roof!
I don’t think Gen Y is lazy. They’re just far more “picky” then we were … about their work “environment,” living “environment” and other items they buy. Compared to what boomers had, they have infinite choices.
I’m attributing this phenomenon partly to the wealth of consumer info on everything available to all 24/7 on the internet.