[quote=CA renter]
But what you’ve brought up here has been a mystery to me. Why have these new sites succeeded when there seemed to be plenty of perfectly adequate sites before? [/quote]
They’ve succeeded for many reasons, but two specific qualities that stand out to me are:
1. They believed in their vision to solve a particular problem and ignored the assumptions that it was already solved or was being solved.
I’m a believer of leaving out the section of a business plan which requires you to research your competition. I believe it can cause more harm then good to your thought process.
2. In the instance of Facebook, they recognized something that a lot of people (including myself) were in denial about for a long time. That is, people want to share everything, they do not want privacy.
It might be foreign to some generations but to new generations, sharing what you’re doing, eating, thinking and watching is standard. Obviously to recognize that, believe in that and execute on that is powerful.