[quote=CA renter][quote=Arraya]http://www.oftwominds.com/blogmar11/global-recovery-over3-11.html
OK, let’s run through the list:
1. Natural disaster dusrupts production in a key global exporter: check.
2. An event which nudges a major economy into financial crisis: check. (If you don’t think Japan’s economy and finances will be pushed over a threshold by the quake, please be patient.)
3. Ignite a chain reaction of mass movements in a key oil exporting region: check.
4. Supply-demand imbalances in critical materials and grains: check.
5. Central banks and sovereign states addicted to vast quantities of printing-money and credit creation stimulus which trigger rampant inflation in essentials: check.
6. Massaged statistics, channel-stuffing, misrepresentation of risk and unlimited propaganda by a failed Status Quo: check.
Does anyone seriously think the global recovery is still intact? Based on what? Does anyone think that stagnant/declining wages, falling real estate values, skyrocketing prices for materials and energy, and belt-tightening by bankrupt States are ideal foundations for higher profits?
Anyone who doesn’t realize the quake in Japan is a tragic load dumped on a fragile addict’s quivering back (i.e. the global recovery) will undoubtedly be surprised by how fast the global economy will start unraveling. Anyone who kept their eyes open is only wondering how a debt and propaganda-fueled recovery lasted this long.[/quote]
Another excellent post, Arraya.[/quote]
Financial author Michael Lewis’s take (and a follow up to his 1988 article on the effects of a large earthquake in Tokyo). What’s compelling here are the anticipated effects in the US economy, some of which tie out to what Arraya is saying above.