[quote=CA renter]Agree about the opportunities. Think about it, Allan. 🙂
Of course, if Dave is interested, we’d probably like to hear from him, too.
CA renter: If you’re serious, I’d be willing to talk about it. Unfortunately for me, the primary deterrent isn’t money or risk, it’s time.
My schedule, work-wise, sucks royally and I’d be concerned about not having adequate time to do this right. Meaning, I wouldn’t be able to properly perform due diligence and see if the various opportunities pencil.
I opined to someone recently that if you had about $10MM in ready cash, you could be a billionaire within the next 10 years and I didn’t say that idly. I think if you have the requisite smarts and are aggressive and not risk averse, you can make a killing out there and I don’t mean the stock market.