CA renter, there is plenty of blame to go around, and in hindsight both Democrats and Republicans made plenty of mistakes.
But we have to get beyond Republican and Democrat labels, as I have tried to point out. Some responses to me don’t get that and cite instances of Republican spending excesses which actually makes my case. True conservatives want to limit government power, expand personal freedom, and allow businesses and individuals to create and prosper or fail according to their own merits. Allowing Fannie and the big banks to leverage 30 to 1 with the assurance that any downturn would be bailed out by the government is not what a conservative could stomach. But it became the prevailing view during the bubble years.
Now let’s get back to the original subject of this thread: CA’s ballooning deficit and our political environment. I haven’t seen anything in your response or that of others to counter the points I made about California’s likely economic and political future.