Unions are nowhere near the big spenders you seem to think they are. It might help explain why the “anti-union” propaganda spewed by the corporatists/capitalists has been gaining so much strength.
Know where you stand.[/quote]
Devil is in the details, I suggest you drill in.
Look at Labor:
Service Employees International Union $1,426,215
Intl Brotherhood of Electrical Workers $1,337,561
Carpenters & Joiners Union $1,039,000
American Fedn of St/Cnty/Munic Employees $1,019,680
Sheet Metal Workers Union $989,500
Communications Workers of America $919,239
Teamsters Union $869,110
National Air Traffic Controllers Assn $856,830
Machinists/Aerospace Workers Union $832,250
Plumbers/Pipefitters Union
Now look at banks…
American Bankers Assn $1,128,500
Bank of America $859,442
JPMorgan Chase & Co $809,746
Wells Fargo $663,973
Independent Community Bankers of America $639,200
Citigroup Inc $628,847
tsk tsk tsk, those poor union are outspending the major banks…
What is other?
Contributor Amount
Harvard University $578,584
Stanford University $369,533
US Government $347,389
John Templeton Foundation $336,000
University of California $330,495
National Community Action Foundation $265,050
US Dept of State $224,357
Dodge Jones Foundation $218,700
Columbia University $200,484
US Senate $193,372
Apollo Group $180,541
Bridgepoint Education $178,712
University of Pennsylvania $155,957
Full Sail $137,300
University of Texas $121,603
State of Texas $115,730
City University of New York $114,526
US Army $113,595
Keiser University $112,810
Yale University