No, I don’t mind the least bit if we stopped importing inferior goods from countries where a lack of environmental protection standards and an abundance of cheap (slave) labor are exploited.
The only things we should be importing are things that we cannot reasonably produce here, IMHO.[/quote]
Maybe you are forgetting that while we import a lot of things (and crap) we also export a lot of things. There are a lot of people in this country who make their living working in places that export goods: Things like computers, software, microchips, aircraft, cellphones, agriculture, oil & gas technology, movies, media, telecomm equipment, branded consumer goods, high-end machninary, drugs, medical devices and things like that.
Maybe you think that any pain to them is trivial or you think that other countries will import their stuff anyway. Or you are proposing that they stop doing that and start making overpriced toys in a unionized shop (because that is all that we will hope be able to do, once great depression II sets in, after this trade war begins)