By the way, per the article it was a random-digit-dialed phone poll …
“This national random-digit-dialed phone study of 1,004 adults 18 or older was conducted for Bankrate by GfK Roper Public Affairs & Media. The surveys were conducted from March 17 through March 18, 2007. The sample was weighted by demographic factors including age, gender, race, education and census region to ensure reliable and accurate representation of adults in U.S. households. Results based on the entire sample of 1,004 adults are projectable to the entire adult population in the United States, with a sampling error of plus or minus 3 percentage points.”
Again how many financially savvy people answer random telephone polls ? How many were sober on Saint Patrick’s Day weekend ?
I suppose if the headline had read “34% of homeowners who answer random phone polls over Saint Patrick’s Day weekend are clueless about their mortgage” it would carry less punch.