Ah, yes. You can’t compete w/idiocy. She’s a particular sword in my side. She has the opposite of Midas touch. Just taints everything she gets. Went on that crazy shopping spree.
She bought 1656 PB Drive for 550k in October ’07, I think. Was delinquent on prop. taxes. Had the NOD and foreclosure scheduled while all along trying to sell it shortly after she bought it.
Then she was actually able to sell it at what would seem like the 11th hour for 565k. Managed to get bailed out. Either a rigged/straw sale or a greater fool. I can’t figure out which, though I anticipate seeing this back on the NOD road again.
Half a mil for that place?! I implore you!! Am I being a bear or is the world just nuts?
Then there’s 6616 Tyrian. She bought it 09/15/2004 for $1,293,000. Got the expected NOD and foreclosure was scheduled. Did the attempted short sale. Went MIA/stealth until the bank took it January of this year. Only kicking the can and a matter of time. Ended up selling for 940k.
Then there was 5741 Chelsea, which w/out a care or thought in the world, she bought 08/31/2006 $1,550,000. The only person who made out on this house was the one who hot-potatoed it over to her when they bought it in 2003 for $1,024,750. She got the NOD and had the scheduled foreclosure. The bank ate it big when they sold $982k all cash for ocean view fixer. And even that was just silly.
And here we are w/your favorite and mine. 1104 Missouri. She bought it in 2007 for 910k. Got the NOD. She had the foreclosure scheduled 7-15-08. With all the others out of the way, she’s focused on this one.
I am not sure what happened, if it got sold on the steps or if she hooked up w/a developer/contractor to split the proceeds after sale. It showed the new owner as Peter Pan, Inc. Then it got another NOD 3/11/09. Then they rehab the place and list it 05/27/2009 for $1,195,000. Now chasing down the market from their wishing-on-a-star price. Reduced $949k. She needs to watch the Apprentice and say those magic words to whoever is giving her financial advice.
I don’t have info on the place in Henderson. BMIT (if you’re able to access) said, “That’s over $5 million in real estate purchases over the last 4 years with $4.47 million owed.” The info someone posted on BMIT regarding Vegas was:
“Henderson house has a HOA Lien filed 2/27/2008, and a NOD filed 5/6/2008. It is not reinstated. Original mortgage 5/23/2003, refi’ed 3 additional times! 12/22/2004, 10/16/2006, 8/9/2007. It was bought at a reasonable price in 2003, but it is certainly NOT worth $1.24 million now.”
Somethin’ tells me the bank got that goose egg and judging from what I hear about Vegas, it wouldn’t shock me in the least if that got down to 600k.
I’m thinking someone needs to get her into G.A. She went on one heck of a gambling spree and quadrupled down.