[quote=Butleroftwo]gandalf is this blogs Obama franchisee. Be careful with gandalf, he(?) pretends to be like everyone else until one of his core issues is discussed. He has tried to establish his character here by letting us know that he is Tall, rides a motorcycle, owns a business, is Columbia educated and is independent.
His only goal is to push Obama’s agenda of higher taxes, government control (left of center or way left of center only), strange foreign policy, elitism and whatever this mysterious president has on his list. I would guess that he walked away from a party meeting sometime in 2005 with a list of blogs that he needed to infiltrate. Since then we have been graced with his “Social Marketing” techniques from some unpublished manual.[/quote]
(yes, I am late to this thread. Catching up quickly though.)
Wow, someone’s been paying attention. Does this sort of thing count as stalking?
I dunno…from what you have summarized, this gandalf guy sounds kind of dreamy!