“but they really hate gay lifestyle and this ruling will bring them all out.’
I already said this. I know it will cause REPUBLICANS to come out in full force and defeat it. It may put Mc Cain in the white house. IT WILL NOT PASS. I agree.
Where were you in Desert Storm? Where were you during Iraqi Freedom? My husband was there, and agrees 100% with me that is why he is leaving the military after 22 years of service in the middle of a depression. Our country is a joke with that president, and he believes as do, that they are ruining this country!
I am proud to be born in this country. My forefathers faught in the revolutionary, the civil war, world wars etc!
I am proud to be the wife of a man like that. I serve my country to EVERYDAY he goes to work I sacrifice for my country too! He didn’t have to reinlist, I could have objected to him putting his life in harms way. He wants to see our grandchildren together. He chose to serve his country NOT A WAR FOR OIL!