I was never an “activist” but Bush changed that. Long before he attacked Iraq, I recognized Bush was a dangerous fanatic who would destroy much of what is great about America. Few would now argue with the fact Bush has done exactly that.
So I flew to Washington for every major march against Bush, including those before his attack upon Iraq. Some of those marches involved about a million people, and the feeling was incredible being there and together giving Bush a collective middle finger. I carried some great hand-made protest signs, some of which the Washington Post loved enough to interview me for a front page article. I loved that Bush probably saw my name and read my insult of him on the front page of his Sunday newspaper. I figured one of Rove’s evil trolls toiling in the dungeons would probably add my name to the hit list of (innocent) people for the IRS and CIA to go after, but it didn’t matter. It was worth the risk.
I marched in front of the White House because I saw the real evil wasn’t really Bush; the real evil was the APATHY (and fear) in most Americans. Later in life I didn’t want to look back and see I was one of those apathetic Americans who let it all happen on their watch.