I agree with your post. All I am suggesting is that there ae a lot of people out there who have no clue about real estate and finance now just as there were lot’s of people who might have been uninfomred 20 years ago.
I amn not advocating that people without income go out and do 100% financing to own rather than rent.
What I am suggesting is that if a young profesional couple both employed are making 200K combined income a year and they identify a 500K home in Poway that they really love and think they might be in there for a long time, then for this specific couple it might just make sense to putll the trgger becaseu over the long haul they are planning on staying and they can not only afford teh payments on one income but in the event that that income was halfed they could still maage to get by. Over the long haul I believe a home is going to pay off for this type of buyer. Just as it has for buyers in the past.