[quote=bubba99]And here we are, 50 years later still fighting the war on drugs. No end or victory in sight. All we have done lately is move the Narco-terrorists from Columbia to right next door on the border with Mexico.
IMHO, soon the border wars will spill into the south western US. I cant wait to hear the rhetoric on why a shooting war in the south west is better than little Johnnie snorting bath salts.[/quote]
bubba, it’s already there. Just start driving east on I-8 and later connect with I-10 in AZ and head towards El Paso, TX. You will find several time-consuming Border Patrol/INS/Customs “checkpoints” in both directions. Even if you are sporting a “US license plate,” if you or your passengers even give the appearance of having “1/8 or more Hispanic” blood in them, better to have all your papers handy, including passports (if US, can be expired), “green” card, Sentri-Pass, work permits, etc. These are fairly large temporary installations set up with trailers, dogs, bright lights, “secondary” sections, holding areas, and “Homeland Security” personnel from several agencies. Two in CA, 2-3 in AZ, 2 in NM and 1 in TX, that I am aware of (having stayed on I-10 in TX and thus drove away from the border). I have no doubt that there are now 5-6 of these stations on the TX/MX border.
A state-issued “Driver-License” often won’t cut it (depending on the driver’s “appearance”). These stations do NOT have license-plate scanners like those on I-5 and I-15 just north of SD. These detainments into “secondary” appear to be based upon appearance of drivers/passengers who don’t have proper identification in their possession.
Conversely, if you are a “Caucasian or Asian-looking” foreign driver who has a US-issued driver’s license driving a vehicle with a US-issued plate and you do not speak with a noticeable accent, you can probably pass thru these checkpoints with no problems.