It’s not exactly trolling, and I dont EXPECT to get business from here. I’m here to help.
I’ve got tough skin and know what I’m talking about.
I don’t blast my contact info on my posts but it was cleared by the site boss that exchanging contact info is acceptable.
My attitude towards this stuff is completely different than most. I love doing loans and helping people out.
If I don’t do a loan this week or this month, I’m still going to eat.
I don’t run people’s credit for free. I charge them the $15 that it costs me. I’m willing to risk my time. If I were retired, I’d be doing exactly what I am doing today, this isn’t work to me.
I’m not out to steal business from anyone, cuz there is plenty to go around. MOST in the lending biz are lying to borrowers to get business. There is little honor amongst thieves.
To me it’s black and white. Many people actually NEED a loan. It’s beyond “want” at this point. I have straight answers for people, period.
I’ll be the first to agree that lending industry is full of scum. I won’t defend them. You are free to voice your opinion about the industry, I’ll probably agree with you.
Everyone has choices, and I just choose to have some ethics & morals, along with integrity.
If anyone sees what I do differently, they are entitled to their opinion.