I agree with your points about Wall Street, etc. Personally, I think most of our “ills” can be traced to the mega-banks and corporations that run our country. Under no circumstances do I think the middle-class has any power over how this country is run anymore, and I think that’s where the doom-and-gloom is coming from. It’s why I’m very pro-union and favor a government very much run by “the people” and for “the people”.
I also think the PTB (mega-banks & corporations) have been allowed to take further control over our country’s power (read: money) because they’ve managed to distract the American citizenry by trying to create arbitrary divisions between people (Republican vs. Democrat; white vs. black; immigrant vs. native; rich vs. poor; pro-union/socialist vs. “wanna be” capitalist; right vs. left; liberal vs. conservative; etc.).
Most **thinking** people I know don’t fit into any of those categories, but the PTB are busy trying to convince us all that we must be on one side or the other — always bickering amongst ourselves while they’re left to manipulate the flow of money and power, without any oversight by “we the people”.
The credit bubble is just the latest manifestation of their accrued/accruing power. Look at who the winners are. Some people did exceedingly well during the past few years, and have very little fear of being held accountable for thier involvement. IMO, Greenspan was one of their tools. There’s no way he didn’t know what was going on, and what the end result would be.
The more I learn, the tighter I wrap that tin foil around my head. 😉