That is an interesting observation about Brazil. I think people have extreme fear of inflation due to stories about Weimar Germany ( and more recently pictures of Zimbabwe’s currency with 15 digits. But U.S. inflation will be more like that in the 1970s, not even as much as Brazil. In fact, I think, people were not in extreme hardship during 1972-82. I don’t think there is any report of widespread homelessness or hunger (like in the 1930s).[/quote]
BS, you talk as if you have a clue about the amount of money being printed. You don’t have a clue nor does anyone here. I think we have printed enough to put us in a Zimbabwe like inflation scenario, but we are using other resources to combat this inflation. Will it get bad? Most likely and when it does it won’t be a walk in the park. You are crazy to believe it will be similar to the 70’s inflationary period. There are huge repercussions to our actions, unfortunately it is completely unpredictable at this point.