Here’s what they can do about it:
Stop watching trash TV. Stop watching MOST TV.
Read a friggin’ book or two. Go to school.
Stop listening to rap “music.”
Stop believing that all Liberals want to do is help you.
Stop smoking pot.
Stop smoking crack.
Stop getting drunk.
Stop having babies you can’t afford.
Go to school.
Be a nerd.
Get a job, ANY job. Keep it until you can get the job you want.
Work harder.
Work better.
Read books of all types.
Read some more.
Stop watching TV.
Y’know, I know plenty of nerds that are huge pot enthusiasts, yet make enough money to pay a higher percentage of their income to federal income tax than Mitt Romney. Some even like “rap music”! Cutting back on TV time is always good advice, as is avoiding having babies too early. In this state you’d actually be better off talking about Meth use than crack. Oh, but it’s mostly poor whites that use meth, so I suppose that doesn’t fit the narrative you’re trying to weave…