Brooks: Even If Troop Surge Completely Fails, It Will Help McCain Politically
This is from Chris Matthews show Dec 2006. Chris and New York Times columnist David Brooks.
Very obvious from this little clip that troop surge had good or even great likelihood to work. To appease voters, the exec party went in with too few troops, the dems promised to bring troops home and didnt back surge. It took a moronic NYT America hater reporter to figure that out. And yet the stupid dems couldnt understand this 3rd grade logic??? Talk about obstinate. Powell’s two rules were so apt here: go in with overwhelming force (failed since Iraqi army essentially fired) and the Pottery Barn rule (you broke it, you fix it).
“David, you think if Bush moves for more troops, following the Army’s advice, McCain’s on board, in fact, his biggest booster, that’s a doubling down for the bet for both those guys. What does it do to McCain’s future?
Mr. BROOKS: Well, I think people look at his conviction. I mean, if you look at every analysis of the war, every book that’s been written about it, it all comes back to three words: not enough troops. And John McCain has been saying that for three years, and the White House did not listen to him for three years, and people are going to remember that, I think.
MATTHEWS: But if it turns out that more troops don’t do the job, is he disproven.
Mr. BROOKS: Right. Well, not at this late date. I mean, then they’ll just say — and I think he’ll say with a lot of justice, it’s too late. And he said that even this week. One more surge, and then we have to look at a new reality. “