Broken record, but gotta say again that Clinton, Obama are so selfish, only care about their personal needs desires instead of the good of their party or country. Obama is so out there that Mondale is looking good right now. Clinton, despised by half the country, still seems downright moderate compared to Obama. If these two idiots had any ounce of loyalty to their party, they would never had run and moderate like Mark Warner or Tim Kaine would have coasted to 10 point win. But no, gotta have that change, gotta have that woman. It’s not too late, Obama and Clinton can still walk away.
Watching McLaughlin Group on PBS, “Mort” Zuckerman was jokingly asked how the billionaire views the banks. BTW, he is the conservative billionaire owner of USN World report. He replied that we’ll get through this but that this will be the longest and deepest recession since the Great Depression. With that kind of attitude, Obama should be up 10-20 points in the poll now vs McCain like Dukakis was up in polls in summer of 88 vs GB1 before he got SwiftTanked. The fact that polls are tied now spells doom for Obama. I told friends that only way that Obama would win is if we have major recession, which today means if BofA or maybe even if smaller WaMu get taken over by FDIC. Exec party will do whatever it takes to prevent that because it would mean dem would win. So game over. All you geeks can run your fancy Monte Carlo game theory simulations, but you’ll still come up with my simple answer.
PS: All 4 people on show agreed that dems would pick up 5 Senate seat to get to 54.