As a society we need to look past what “caused” someone to do something. Bad people do bad things, because they are bad people. They could become good people, but they choose to be bad. We should not care if some serial rapist was molested as a child. Or why some wife beaters actions are not so bad because, after all, his dad beat him too. Move past the vitriol rhetoric and place the blame solely and absolutely on the bad person…Stop looking for other people to ensnare who have nothing to do with it.
Do you honestly think that not understanding or being blind to what drives a persons behavior is not beneficial or an important study?
Our interest in surviving and reproducing is imprinted/genetic in some way, as it is directly associated with fundamental survival. However, the means by which survival is obtained is entirely based on the social conditioning of that person. If a person grows up in a scarce, poverty stricken environment, with limited access to employment and education, they will have more of a propensity to engage in illegal activity to survive, period… more so, than say a middle class person who has basic needs met. On the other side of the spectrum, if a person with great wealth has grown up in an elitist family and is thus conditioned into thinking that his or her wealth/class serves as a status symbol, they might often exploit those who work for them or perform illegal activities to conform to the identity and social arrogance they think is real. The bottom line is that it is environmental conditioning that really affects 99% of our actions, and all diligent behavior studies have proven this time and time again.