People who do own Downtown get tired of paying $500+++ in HOA every month. The restaurants are expensive; and after ownership expenses, people don’t really enjoy Downtown much anymore.[/quote]
Obviously not many have lived in a big city here. These things you call condos, are apartments elsewhere and is the norm in big cities. Poor parking, restricted space, and smelly streets is big city living folks unless you’re uber rich. The one thing I agree with is that HOA fees are a real turn off. This goes right against the grain because they are too high and therefore unsustainable. Cut the services offered to just basic amenities. Get rid of the gyms, pools, manicured forecourts, security guard etc. With land prices being what they are, I see building upwards being the trend for the future. De-urbanisation, community building, centralised town planning, public transportation, affordable housing, eco-living, oh yeah, and de-parochialisation crash course.