The Clinton/Lewinski affair was nothing. The man had sex and lied out it. So what? Leave him alone.
I’m sure you’d say that I’m morally flexible and you’d be right.
The prosecutor should determine if a crime is even worth prosecuting before spending time and resources.
Wouldn’t the pragmatic war strategist in you come to the same conclusion?[/quote]
Brian: So we’re clear here, Clinton was NOT impeached for having sex and lying about it. He was impeached for suborning perjury. HUGE difference. Here we have a sitting president, who is also an attorney, clearly violating his oath of office, as well as the Canon of Ethics, and doing so with full knowledge of both the transgression and the penalty.
As an Army officer, we were held to a moral code and one that I fervently believed in, up to and including not following orders that I felt were immoral (happened on two occasions).
So, no, the “pragmatic war strategist” in me doesn’t see your point. No, I’m not some little naif, but I do believe that having a code of conduct is important and following the rule of law is important.
As to “moral flexibility”, there is NO such thing. You may subscribe to that bullshit in your own mind, but its a fallacy. You either have a moral code you live by, or you don’t. You either have principles that are worth dying for, or you don’t. No middle ground.
Or as the right Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr said, “A man who won’t die for something is not fit to live”.