That’s why I view them as the conscripted foot soldiers of the new Confederate Army led by Jim Demint.
Brian: That’s a rather sweeping and simplistic analysis of the average Confederate soldier’s reasons for fighting the Union during the American Civil War. Yes, there were some who fought to preserve the Southern way of life (in essence, “voting” against their own interests), but there were also many who understood the war as being between those who were fighting for state’s rights and those who wanted a federalist system. There is a huge body of writings that survived the war, and much of it exists in diaries, letters to loved ones, etc., where average soldiers on both sides explain what they were fighting for. McPherson’s “For Cause and Comrades” and Eaton’s “A History of the Southern Confederacy” both cover this topic and debunk a lot of the mythology (Union soldiers wanted to end slavery and Confederates fought to preserve the Old Order) surrounding the American Civil War.
Speaking of the passing of an age: How long do you think it will take Hillary Clinton to put some cold steel between Obama’s shoulder blades? I personally think its happened already. Gotta figure Marc Rubio is going to get the call to be VP in 2012 and a genuine threat for Prez in 2016, which means Hillary needs to run in 2012 (she’ll be too old for a legitimate 2016 shot). So… That means Obama is officially in the way, and we know what that means when it comes to the Clinton Machine. Plus, I have to figure Bill and Hillary are still smarting from that ass-whuppin’ they took in ’08. Its gonna be fun to watch.