[quote briansd1]Right wing neo-nazi groups are thriving on the Net. [/quote]
If it is a group you despise, is bad.. it must be right wing?
NAZI = Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (National Socialist German Workers’ Party). The normally referred to themselves as: Nationalsozialisten (National Socialists)
The Nazis argued that capitalism damages nations due to international finance, the economic dominance of big business, and Jewish influences within it. Adolf Hitler, both in public and in private, held strong disdain for capitalism; he accused modern capitalism of holding nations ransom in the interests of a parasitic cosmopolitan rentier class. He opposed free-market capitalism’s profit-seeking impulses and desired an economy where community interests would be upheld. He distrusted capitalism for being unreliable, due to it having an egotistic nature, and he preferred a state-directed economy.
To Hitler, the economy must be subordinated to the interests of the Volk and its state. In Mein Kampf, Hitler effectively supported mercantilism, in the belief that economic resources from their respective territories should be seized by force; he believed that the policy of lebensraum would provide Germany with such economically valuable territories.
A number of Nazis held strong revolutionary socialist and anti-capitalist beliefs, most prominently Ernst Röhm, the leader of the Nazis’ main paramilitary group, the Sturmabteilung (SA).
In 1920, the Nazi Party published the National Socialist Program, an ideology that in 25 points demanded:
that the State shall make it its primary duty to provide a livelihood for its citizens . . . the abolition of all incomes unearned by work . . . the ruthless confiscation of all war profits … the nationalization of all businesses that have been formed into corporations … profit-sharing in large enterprises … extensive development of insurance for old-age … land reform suitable to our national requirements
As I said before, its leaning left with a strong twist of racisim.. and I’ll add Nationalism.