Remember that an H1-B holder is working and earning money in America as a professional while waiting for a Green Card. Many H1-B holders just want experience in America before going back home.
The H1-B process will not change (it could improve under if we have immigration reform) so I don’t see why H1-B holdes should feel envious or resentful when opportunities open up for other immigrants.[/quote]
Yes, H1B are working and earning money, without breaking the law. And illegals are working and earning money, while breaking the law.
People in the EB funnel are bitter because they are being held hostage by Democrats. Using your logic – Hispanic caucus should not be envious or resentful and blocking virtually every initiative that is put forward to help EB’s.
For example, due to inefficient process the annual EB quota was not met for number of years. Applications were in the queue, but the agencies were underfunded and numbers were lost. The quota resets every year and there is no spillover. Every year someone comes out with an initiative to recapture the lost number (which kind of makes sense) and every year Democrats block it.
And what do you think will happen when 12MM+ new cases hit the agencies? Do you believe adequate funding will be provided?