[quote=briansd1]Remember, Sarbanes–Oxley Act of 2002 signed into law by George W. Bush?
There was a lot more bi-partisan support back then. (423–3 and 99–0)
What we have now is the Party of No, Hell No!
We just have to wait see what the outcome of the SEC lawsuit is.
And we’ll see who supports financial reform and who doesn’t.[/quote]
Brian: How does everything manage to get framed by you in a partisan context?
How does Sarbanes-Oxley fit into this?
And, do you really believe that there are any teeth at all in the Dodd bill? Meaning, do you think that is honest financial reform?
None of these issues has dick to do with right or left, or Dem versus Repub. Its ALL about money, hence my earlier question as to why the Dems haven’t been going after Wall Street with an axe (hint, its cuz the banksters are throwing bags of money their way, too).
Wake up and smell the lucre, Bubba. Its a rigged game. As the old saw goes: If you can’t find the sucker in the game, chances are its YOU.