Radical positive change cannot happen. Revolution feels good but doesn’t work. You end up with retribution and a new elite that’s the same or worse than the old elite. It takes generations to form a competent governing elite so after a revolution you generally end up will well-meaning but ignorant people in power.[/quote]
Brian: Dude, your parents need to call the university where you got your degree and demand their money back.
Revolutions do work, and we need look no further than the US and France to have that point unequivocally driven home.
As far as well-meaning but ignorant people in power: I’d have to say the Founding Fathers weren’t ignorant. To the contrary, you had some significant intellectual horsepower at work there, as evidenced by the success of this great republic.
In terms of the impossibility of radical political change: Well, first off, its hilarious to hear a so-called “Progressive” say that, and, second, this statement is also refuted by history, especially in the US. The suffragette movement, the Civil Rights movement, the empowerment of groups as diverse as Native Americans, gay and lesbian, and even the obese (threw that one in for you, Brian. I know how you love the fatties), show how false that assertion is.
Nope. The genius of the system is on display every day, even in these polarized, balkanized times.
There’s probably some form your folks will need to fill out for a refund. I’d check on that.