ocrenter, i hear that specialists in TW make a lot of money because they are few so they can charge lots — like oral/facial surgeons especially if they are trained at top US schools. Cash payments and low malpractice insurance/operating costs.
I know one guy who came here for training and went back. I heard the same about Korea.[/quote]
the physician charges for the ENT surgery was $300. not sure how much they actually bring in yearly.
the point here is backing a single payer system really isn’t about right vs left. we really should not be thinking of it as an entitlement program, but rather a program to bring down outragous cost.
think about it, if the hospital charged the OP $5000 for his father’s visit, he/his father would have paid it. instead, they get billed $30k and they’ll probably just walk away from the bill completely.